Business Development

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A subsidiary of a leading CEE banking group expanded its collection business to the country of operations when the global recession led to NPLs increase in the retail loan portfolio. “A bad bank” was structured as a local SPV which then was transformed into a local collection company of the group.


The staff of the collection company was formed from a collection unit moved from the bank to the SPV together with the bad loans of the clients country-wide. Also, the bank launched its cash loans and micro-crediting of individuals, so the collection company needed to transform its soft collection business to be able to process the new cases. There were no change management competences.

What we did

Provided the competencies of strategic planning, business development, and process management
Created a team of 12 professionals in Business Development, Coordination, Underwriting, Coaching
Proposed changes in core and support processes
Initiated agile approaches in operational management
Proposed campaigns for increasing recovery from NPLs

Results achieved

10+ development projects were initiated and executed
Core and support processes were developed and standardized - debt collection, CRM system support, training and coaching, decision-making, and cooperation with the partners and the shareholders.
Performance and profitability of the company improved
New business line of “Unsecured loans collection” set up
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