Due to the full-scale invasion that Russia has launched against Ukraine on February 24th in 2022, local businesses have been forced to move their headquarters further away from the regions that suffer from military operations. Local entrepreneurs do not give up, but continue to work and develop their businesses. In order to be able to do so, they need to seek for new funding sources in these circumstances.
At the same time, international donors create and enlarge the funding of Ukrainian programs.
These programs take place in all of the regions that are currently under Ukrainian control. Businesses in these regions are eligible for getting grants, loans, financial aid and consulting services. The main goals of the programs include savings the businesses, renewal and creation of the new workplaces for locally displaced individuals and those suffered from war.
Our team of national experts can provide you with strategy consulting, investment advisory, and organizational transformation support.
We analyze your business and investment opportunities, conduct commercial due diligence of your partners and target objects, evaluate potential risks, and assist your business in further development. Leopolis Group helps our clients in all aspects of their business, whether they are working in the domestic market or trying to expand abroad. We assist our clients with investing in and attracting investment to their businesses, as well as aiding them in launching projects with business partners and the government.
If you require any further assistance, please get in touch with the Leopolis team: contact@leopolisgroup.com.
This article provides an extensive guide about the policy of Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency insurance (MIGA). It includes the detailed algorithm of issuing guarantees as a step-by-step process, the list of eligible countries, and resolution of claims. It also describes the latest projects covered by MIGA over the past 2 years.
Read MoreThis research provides an overview of the military attacks on the electric plants that occurred over the century. Based on the historical perspective, it shows the mistakes done by different countries that challenged the resiliency of electric plants. Finally, based on the case of Ukraine in 2022, it describes what measures can be applied in order to ensure the resiliency of national electric grid.
Read MoreThis article provides a review of the nature of ESG. It includes the overview of ESG nature, its historical background, how it correlates with CSR, and various ESG regulations. Finally, in this article we will assess the importance of ESG and ESG ratings in the modern corporate world and what companies do in order to implement ESG practices.
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